Cats, Kitty Litter and Carpets

Cats, Kitty Litter and Carpets

Cats, Kitty Litter and Carpets

Cats grace millions of American homes with their presence. They’re certainly delightful to have around, but having a cat also means having to deal with their litterboxes and the associated messes. Those boxes can cause unexpected damage to your carpets, rugs, and upholstery.

Get Control of the Litter

As you know, controlling a cat’s behavior is usually a losing game. With that understood, you can cut down on cat litter problems by following some simple steps.

1. Keep the litterbox clean. Cats dislike dirt and smell almost as much as you do. They will use and appreciate a clean box.
2. Use a kitty litter that doesn’t have irritating additives or ingredients. Cats are highly sensitive to smells and toxins.
3. To reduce pet dander smells and stains, get your carpets and upholstery professionally cleaned at least once a year.

Common Carpet Problems Caused by Cat Litter

No matter how careful and conscientious you are, there are certain litterbox leftovers that can create problems for your carpet. Here are some common ones and some solutions you can try.


Dust is normally only a problem with traditional clay litters, but it can also be a by-product of scoop litters. Their lightweight composition makes them easy for your cats to kick out of the box and track onto the floor. Pellet-style litters are less dusty, but the pellets themselves can sometimes escape.

Solution: Regular sweeping around the litter box is a must. Keep a small hand broom and dustpan next to the box to make it automatic every time you clean the box. Once a week, sweep the entire floor of the room where the box is located.

Toxic Fragrances

Chemicals in kitty litter, especially artificial fragrances, can introduce unwanted chemical toxins into your home. Artificial additives and fragrances add to your home’s toxic overload and can aggravate asthma, allergies and chemical sensitivities in your human family.

Guess what? Your cat doesn’t like them either. These fragrances can be extremely irritating to a cat’s sensitive nostrils.

Solution: Use unscented litters instead of trying to mask the smell. Use a natural litter that relies on organic, natural ingredients to neutralize odors.
Switch to one of the many new litters are now formulated from organic ingredients such as:

  • Recycled newspaper.
  • Wheat.
  • Pine pellets.
  • Corn.


Pet Waste

You don’t normally have to worry about cats urinating or defecating outside of the box unless your cat has a medical problem. If you have dogs, however, they are known to enjoy digging into litterboxes and dragging the waste around the house.

Solution: Keep dogs out of the room that houses the litter box. If you notice litter waste on the floors or carpet, clean it up immediately. Use a natural odor remover like Nature’s Miracle or an equivalent store brand.

Dander and Dust Mites

Pet dander is a known allergen. So are dust mites, which can flourish on your skin and clothing as well as your pet’s fur. These irritants come with the territory with all pets.

Solution: Regular vacuuming can reduce the amount of dander in your house. Only professional steam cleaning can eradicate dust mites.

Clean Your Carpets the Right Way

If you’re troubled by gritty, smelly cat litter all over your carpets and upholstery, it’s time to start fresh with CarpetKeepers. Our patented, nontoxic cleaning method is the only method guaranteed to:

  • Pick up loose litter from carpet fibers.
  • Lift all stains, even set-in pet stains
  • Remove all odors.
  • Lift out toxins, allergens, and dander.
  • Eradicate dust mites.


Get ready to enjoy soft, clean carpet and upholstery that your whole family will appreciate. Call Carpet Keepers today and get on your way to a fresh, healthy home.

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