Deep Cleaning Carpets

Deep Cleaning Carpets

Deep Cleaning Your Carpets

 In addition to the typical cleaning, you need to periodically deep clean your carpets. Homeowners should deep clean carpets every twelve to eighteen months, at a minimum.  In this post, we will examine the rationale behind our carpet cleaning best practices.
Take, for example, homes with pets, children, or smokers may wish to schedule deep cleaning once a quarter.  Also, high traffic areas such as entry halls and other walkways require cleaning more often. Most carpet manufacturers recommend a deep cleaning schedule, and many require deep cleaning to maintain warranty status. Deep cleaning carpets remove dust, allergens, deeply trapped pollutants, and kills bacteria. By doing so, it improves the appearance of the carpet, helps extend useful life, and reduces health-related concerns.

Deep Cleaning Options

 There are several options when deciding how to deep clean your carpets. Many people try to do it themselves. However, this way may not be the best idea. To deep clean carpets, you must buy or rent equipment. Doing so requires time, money, storage space, and effort. Add to that the potential for faulty equipment and lack of professional training and you have a recipe for disaster! Hiring a professional carpet cleaning company ensures you get the results you desire without wasted effort on your part.
Carpet cleaning is strenuous, physical labor. Many people begin the job with vigor but quickly tire. By hiring a professional carpet cleaning company, you hire a knowledge base, equipment, and sanitization system all in one! Companies (like Carpet Keepers) train their technicians in the different types of carpet, how to clean each one, and stain removal processes. They also use quality equipment typically not available to the average resident. This equipment includes sanitization systems that kill bacteria in addition to cleaning.

Hiring a Professional Carpet Cleaner

Keep in mind that not all companies are created equal. When looking for a professional company, compare the following points.
  • Years in business
  • Customer reviews
  • Price Structure
  • Cost
  • Extra Charges
  • Cleaning Method
  • Resident’s responsibilities

By looking at the years of service and customer reviews, you can get a sense of the company and how they operate. The price structure, either by room or by the square foot, can greatly affect your final price. If possible, get an in-home estimate to eliminate surprises. Also, look at items for which they may charge extra, such as spot treatments, or moving furniture.

Research their cleaning method. Steam cleaning, dry cleaning, and shampooing are common methods used in the carpet cleaning industry. Lastly, consider your responsibilities. Do you need to move furniture or vacuum right before they come, or do they perform these tasks?  When they arrive, point out problem areas. Also, don’t walk or replace furniture until your carpet is completely dry. To get the most out of carpet deep cleaning, you should do your homework, hire a professional, and listen to their suggestions.

Carpet Keepers at your Service

Carpet Keepers maintains its headquarters in Leesburg VA and serves the surrounding towns like Ashburn, Purcellville, South Riding and parts of Fairfax County.  We have certified teams using top-shelf equipment to deliver superior experience when deep cleaning carpets.  If you are considering hiring a professional – please call and share your details, a time that fits your schedule and we will make it happen.  Contact us here, or simply call 703-737-3117.


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