The CK Blog

How To Remove Old Carpet Stains We all know the best time to remove carpet stains is the minute they happen. That isn’t always possible in real life. It’s also not helpful if you’ve moved into a house with an existing carpet. How do you get those...

Pick the Right Padding for Your Carpet You choose carpet carefully, paying attention to fiber types, loop styles and other factors that make a good carpet. Do you spend the same amount of time thinking about your padding? Padding keeps your home comfortable, protects your flooring and...

Cleaning Water Stains From Your Carpet You work hard to keep your carpets clean, but despite your best efforts, spills can happen. Water might seem harmless enough, but water stains often turn an ugly brown color. That's caused by dirt in the carpet fibers coming to...

Carpet Is Great for Insulation Nothing makes a home feel as cozy and comfortable as carpeting. It's not just a feeling. Studies have found that carpet provides excellent insulation for your home. Taking care of your carpet will make your house feel better and help you...

Fight Pet Dander Allergies with Regular Cleaning We love our pets, but living with them can sometimes be difficult for family members who suffer from allergies. There are ways to let your whole furred and non-furred family live happily together. Experts recommend a multi-pronged approach that...

If Your Basement Floods A flooded basement is more than a nuisance that can ruin your belongings and leave a soggy mess behind. If the dampness isn't cleared out and sanitized properly, you'll be left with mold, mildew, and germs that can cause serious illnesses. If...