Carpet Cleaning Experts

How To Keep Microfiber Furniture and Rugs Clean Soft, silky microfiber is an excellent fabric choice for furniture and rugs. If you have this fabric in your home, you must give it the right care. Here's how to keep it looking its best. What Is Microfiber? Microfiber is...

About How Carpet Deodorizers Work Are you tempted to try a spray or powder to kill the odors in your carpet? You might be making things worse. Here’s what you need to know about carpet deodorizers. Homemade Deodorizers Some common household items can work as carpet deodorizers. Baking...

Need New Carpeting? At CarpetKeepers, we know that regular professional cleaning can extend the life of any carpet. Even with the best care, however, the day comes that your carpet needs to be replaced. Here’s how to know when it’s time for a new one. 1. It’s...

About the Top Carpet Stain Culprits If your carpet seems to magically attract stains, you’re not alone. Here are the top carpet stain offenders with tips on preventing stains. Drips and Spills Most carpet stains are caused by drips, spills, and splashes of colored liquid. Spilled drinks, dropped...

Clean Your Carpet Before Winter Once winter strikes, we shut doors and windows, and we generally don’t open them again until spring. That’s why it’s smart to get your home fresh and clean by removing dust, dander, allergens, and toxins before you close it up. Clean the...

How To Remove Old Carpet Stains We all know the best time to remove carpet stains is the minute they happen. That isn’t always possible in real life. It’s also not helpful if you’ve moved into a house with an existing carpet. How do you get those...

Are Mold and Mildew the Same Thing? Mold and mildew create musty smells and introduce unwanted bacteria into your home. We often use these two words together, but do they mean the same thing? Here’s what you need to know about these intruders. What Is Mold? A mold...